Steve Ross Jr.Customer ExperienceKnow something about everything!It occurred to me today that one of the most dangerous people in your business is the person who knows anything about a topic in which...
Steve Ross Jr.Customer ExperienceCan you get rid of meetings?While the answer to the question, "Can you get rid of meetings?" likely will still be "No Way" at the end of this article, my goal is to...
Steve Ross Jr.Customer Experience1 Bad Experience - 5 Great LessonsLast month, my wife and I went away to celebrate a milestone birthday with my mother and our first wedding anniversary. We were looking...
Steve Ross Jr.Customer ExperienceDefine your own success!Often as we get older, the definition we tend to focus on is the one definition that implies that SUCCESS = WEALTH. This way of thinking...
Steve Ross Jr.Customer Experience5 Phone Interview Mistakes To AvoidPreviously, we talked about the full recruitment process from application straight through to the offer stage of the process. Today I wa...
Steve Ross Jr.Customer ExperienceIt's not an interview, it's a sales opportunity!Years ago, I wrote a post on my LinkedIn feed that seemed to resonate with many people. In this article, I look to expand a bit on the t...